When it comes to corporate tax accounting in Canada, there are several things that you need to know. For example, if you own a non-resident company, you have to pay corporate income tax on any taxable capital gains. If you are a Canadian resident, you can deduct the cost of […]
Dealing With Unfiled Or Late Taxes in Canada
Dealing with unfiled or late taxes in Canada can be a frustrating process. In some cases, you may have to provide extensive documentation or seek assistance from CRA agents in order to get your taxes current. This can lead to severe penalties. In such cases, you may need the assistance […]
Can You File Your Tax Return Without Your T4 Slip?
If you’re unsure of how to file your taxes, you can still file your return without your t4 slip. NETFILE-certified tax preparation programs can help you file your taxes easily and quickly. You can easily retrieve this form if you’ve misplaced it or lost it. Also known as the Statement […]
British Columbia Corporate Taxes
Whether you’re starting a business or already have one, it’s crucial to understand the different aspects of British Columbia corporate taxation. In this article, we will discuss the Corporation Capital Tax Act, the Mining exploration tax credit, and the Capital cost allowance incentive. We’ll also cover the ULC structure, a […]